Look For Our New Ad in the WELCOA Buyer’s Guide

We are proud to be featured as a Premier Provider in WELCOA’s annual buyer’s guide which is now available. You can download a copy here.

Here are some examples of how Wellness Jackpot has helped companies motivate their employees and increase participation in their wellness programs:

“The amount of exercise required to earn a gamecard is just right”. I think people have stayed motivated longer with Wellness Jackpot than any of the previous programs we have run”.
—Verne Uvodich-Glenn, Westlake Middle School

“We have achieved a 70% participation rate in our HRA by incorporating the Wellness Jackpot cards as the incentive piece”.
—Shari Souza, Midland Information Resources

“We have achieved a 50% success rate with our employees who have signed up for our smoking cessation program that have quit smoking”
—PHE Inc.